Respiratory Physician Medico-Legal expert Dr Ansari here from Medico-Legal and Neuroscience Partnership. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a Consultant Respiratory Physician Medico-Legal expert based in Birmingham.
I am currently working as a substantive Consultant Respiratory Physician along with 8 other consultants. My duties include 3 clinics per week including Lung cancer, Sleep and NIV and general respiratory clinic. Also, involved in a weekly bronchoscopy and pleural procedures. I am a Named Educational and clinical supervisor for foundation and CMT trainees.
As a Respiratory Physician my Medico-Legal expertise specialises in Asthma, Chest injuries/trauma, COPD, Pulmonary fibrosis, Sleep disordered breathing, Pleural diseases, Non-invasive ventilation, Occupational lung diseases, Tuberculosis and Lung cancer. I have been reporting and interpreting lung function test, overnight oximetry and multi-channel sleep studies.
Alongside being a Respiratory Physician I have also taken time to study lung transplants which involved attending pre-assessment clinics. I have also studied Thoracic surgery, Cystic fibrosis and Pulmonary hypertension to further expand my field of expertise. I have gained experience of intensive care medicine during the posting in ITU at City Hospital, where I was also involved in in the interpretation of invasive hemodynamic monitoring, appropriate use of inotropes, use of different modes of ventilators and renal support therapy.
So if you are in need of a Respiratory Physician assessment then please email.

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