Hi, Professor ST Maternal and Perinatal Health & Obstetrician UK Wide here. I am a professor of Maternal and Perinatal Health at the University of Birmingham. I also lead the Maternal and Reproductive Health Theme. I am also the co-director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for global women’s health and academic lead for women’s health in Birmingham Health Partners. As a Consultant Obstetrician, I am involved in the care of high risk mothers at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.
My line of work focuses on prediction, prevention and treatment of complications in mothers with pre-eclampsia, epilepsy, diabetes, and obesity. I completed her Advanced Training in Specialist Medicine modules in maternal medicine, labour ward management and medical education, and completed my Core Training in obstetrics and gynaecology in August 2010 at the Birmingham Women’s Hospital, the largest and busiest tertiary obstetric unit in West Midlands. My academic work complemented my interest in maternal medicine with projects in pre eclampsia and epilepsy.
Alongside all of my NHS and WHO duties I also provide medico-legal reports which I proudly work with the legal team to complete. When preparing my medico-legal reports I specialise in the following areas:
- Pregnancy
- Labour related cases
- Predication and prevention of pre-eclampsia
- Predication and prevention of gestational disease
- Obesity in pregnancy
- Diabetes in pregnancy
- Epilepsy in pregnancy
- Evidence synthesis
- Diagnostic methodology
- Evidence based medicine
If you wish to instruct Prof ST Maternal and Perinatal Health & Obstetrician UK please get in touch.
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